White Sage Smudge Stick - Small 5in - Saratoga Botanicals, LLC

White Sage Smudge Stick - Small 5in

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Large White Sage Smudge Bundle.


White sage, also known as Salvia apiana, is a medicinal herb native to dessert climates across the world. The use of incense and other smoke and vapor to connect humans to the spirit world, can be easily traced throughout the East in parts of Asia and even dating as far back to Ancient Greece. Sage was used Native American tribes for women's health issues and colds and sacred ceremonies. The shamans used dried sage plants on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. Any conflict, anger, illness or evil was absorbed by the sage smoke to be released or cleansed from the energy field of a person.


White sage, also known as Salvia apiana, is a medicinal herb native to dessert climates across the world. The use of incense and other smoke and vapor to connect humans to the spirit world, can be easily traced throughout the East in parts of Asia and even dating as far back to Ancient Greece. Sage was used Native American tribes for women's health issues and colds and sacred ceremonies. The shamans used dried sage plants on their fires as a ritual of calling upon ancestral spirits. Any conflict, anger, illness or evil was absorbed by the sage smoke to be released or cleansed from the energy field of a person.

Smudging is ritual alchemy — changing and shifting the air element, and transforming our current experience to a mystical one.

Smudge when:

  • You move into a new living space

  • You begin a new job or start your own business

  • Before and after a guest enters your home

  • Before and after a yoga or healing session

  • Before meditation

  • After an argument or any illness

  • Upon returning home from crowded situations

And here is a simple 3-step sage smudging ritual to try:

1. Use loose dried white sage or a white ceremonial sage bundle, light with intention, smudge stick should smolder, not burn. Relight when needed. Use an abalone shell to place smudge on when you need to rest your smudge stick. Once you have a nice smoke going, use you hand or a feather to direct the smoke over your body from your feet up to your head, then back down again. As you do this, visualize the smoke taking away with it any negative energy from your life, any darkness or malady.

Direct your mind to a specific set of words that encourage or dispel negative energy from the space. Call in the elements, your guides, angels and protectors to shield you. With intention clear each space repeating your words of intention.

The sage ceremony lifts the veil between the everyday and the sacred. As you say your words of intention, you are shifting energy at will.

Smudge first your body crown to feet, front and back, you hands your feet, then begin to move through your space. Wave the smoke into all corners, across doorways and into shadow spaces. To maintain the atmosphere of ritual, keep repeating the words of intention in your mind as you diffuse the smoke.

Once the space is cleared, allow the sage bundle to either burn out or gently press it out in your heat-proof shell or container. Open a door or window and encourage any negative energies to dispel from the area. You can even bury the remaining smudge in your garden to really feel the completeness of the cleansing ritual. Once buried, the sage has done its work in completing the elemental cycle. Ideally, you should try to use a new smudge for each cleansing.